Thursday, December 29, 2011

Week Two OG Phototron

Week Two began, so I switched the lights from being on 24 hours a day to 18 hours a day.  My blue dream clone is already filling in between inter-nodes due to the great vertical lighting.  I am still feeding the plant pure RO water because there is still a lot of nutrients in the moss thanks to the base formula.  But I will begin to start feeding the clone with nutrients soon.  I want a very healthy happy female.

Im using a timer to control the lighting to make sure it is on a perfect schedule, like the sun.

Baby Blue Dream

Buds! Buds! Buds!

Its getting close to the end.  The buds have swollen and tripled in size.  I can even start to see crystals forming on the buds!  Im hoping only two more weeks to go! In the 7th week now. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mi Madre

I have been so impressed with my Phototron that I got another one.  Now I also have an Original Phototron System.  This unit is classic and they told me its been around since the mid 1980's, wow that's as old as me!!!  From what I've read, it's the oldest indoor hydroponic system on the market, reliable.

I have made the executive decision to house a mother in my original.  That way I can use the clones for blooming in my LED and to donate to my collective. 

I followed the directions and transplanted a beautiful baby blue dream.  Here's how it went down:
All Supplies!!! (moss, 1 gallon RO water, CIV 75 base formula, clone, 1 phototron)   

Added the base formula to the 1 gallon and shook well.  Added the entire bag of moss into the tron and then added the entire gallon of solution. I mixed thoroughly like a mutt.
I dug a little hole and careful placed her long roots inside it.  This baby is gonna take off!!!
Completed Transplantation....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Its Been A Long Time...

Sorry to have left you soooo long.  Life has been busy.  And so has my lovely female.  We are going into week 6 and the buds are plumping and growing in size.  There are so many budding sites.  Some of the buds may be a little tiny but there are seriously so many.  I think due to the nutrient burn she suffered some, ouch, but she is back and thriving.  I’m so excited that it’s getting closer to harvest.  I can tell though that she still has some time to grow!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Found at my work parking lot...

Doesn't this tree look like its covered in Buds?!?!

                         Love it!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 2 - Bloom

LCD Screen...Monitoring her Environment

Week 2 has been a little bit of a battle.  My poor baby is still overcoming the nutrient burn.  I have continued to flush her with a bit of clean RO water.  Now I need to let the moss and floor of the Phototron dried up a tiny bit, and then we will get her back on the high yield nutrient system.  You know she gets bitchy when she's not fed.   

Good news is that the buds are getting bigger!!! Yaaay, White White White hairs!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Minor Adjustments

I noticed that some of the plant's leaves were beginning to turn to a yellow shade.  This is not good.  After a closer examination I came to the conclusion that my plants have nutrient burn.  This is caused from having high levels of EC concentration in your nutrient solution mixture.

So to correct this I unplugged the auto feeder for two days and flushed the plant with 8 cups of clean RO water.  I have decided to only run the auto feeder for 12 hours a day from now on, running it along with the lights.  This should fix the burn and prevent it from happening in the future.

I have also decided to run the aeration ring 24/7 to maximize its benefits.  Because the plant is in my room I am a little nervous she will not be getting all the CO2 she deserves.  However, I do smoke in my bedroom, which does give her some of that CO2 ;).  I mean its the least I can do when she is giving me some much fresh oxygen at my bedside.  I am also opening my window for part of the day to allow fresh air in, which contains CO2.  Other than that she is healthy and budding.      

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week One - Bloom

So here we are one week into bloom.  She is looking so sexy, budding sites all over the place.
All those little white hairs are budding sites.  There will be buds up and down each branch.!!!         

  She is such an easy house guest.  Due to the great auto feeder I have not had to water her in over a week.  I have only had to trim some of the dead shade leaves off!  I've been running the aeration ring about 6 hours a day to help pump that oxygen into roots to make them strong and healthier. 

There are no signs of pests, so no extra treatments are necessary.  So easy!

The LED lights seriously produce no heat.  I have not had any burnt leaves and the temperature has never reached above 85 degrees, so the fan has not had to kick on, which is saving me more energy and money.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My First Post...Leggo!

I recently got my hands on a Phototron!  Yay! Its one of those new models that has a computer brain and full LED lighting.  A friend of mine had to move for work and so left his Phototron in the hands of this girl, (mostly due to the fact I break OZ weekly). 

He also left behind a beautiful female, an OG SFV Kush.  She is beautiful, lifted, and filling the whole tron.  I had the honor of switching her into bloom 24 hours ago.  And she has already begun to show me some hairs!

I share an apartment with my best friend and to be respectful I decided to put the tron in my bedroom.  I have her growing right next to my bed so I can wake up smiling.

It will be so easy to take care of her.  The tron has an auto feeder/water, aeration ring, and the brain turns the lights on/off according to the cycle.

Yesterday I was given a new LCD screen and software from Phototron. Wow, they are up on keeping us connected to the newest advances.  I easily installed the new screen, which has a cool built-in timer.  But when it came to uploading the new software I had some difficulty, (I'm not the best with computers).  So I called the company and a fabulous expert walked me through the process and now my tron is on and popin'!!!